A corporation located in Shiba, Minato-ku, TokyoDVCWe provide the necessary tools for video production, whether professional or amateur.
In addition to selling video equipment, we aim to be a convenience store that can immediately handle information provision, purchase of equipment, rental, repair reception, etc. at the store.


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Video Club First Meeting Starts at 8 o'clock Today 1

6Topic: Video Club 1st Zoom Meeting Time: 2020年6月6日 08:00 PM Tokyo Zoom Meeting Participation URL https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73009686767?pwd-bkZIQnk1eVkwQ1R5YktLbHlqM1JiUT09 Meeting ID: 730 0968 6767 Password: 1nNAEPLanguage This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original contents.

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